Quick Mark Scientific Editing

Editing of scientific writing with a quick turn-around

Clear communication of your scientific ideas is a must in today’s information age. To get ideas funded and published, your writing must be concise and portray accurate information in a thought-provoking manner. Scientists often have difficulty with aspects of writing that hinder their brilliant ideas from becoming a reality. Sometimes it is difficult to step back from a journal manuscript you have been working on and explain things from a fresh  perspective.  Moreover, after writing a piece yourself, it is difficult to catch grammatical errors and statements that have an ambiguous meaning. At other times, you may require help in developing and organizing fledgling ideas into grant proposals.

With the use of Quick Mark’s editing services, your scientific writing will be powerfully organized, eloquently succinct, and informatively provocative.

Toni M. West

Ph. D.

With a fabulous talent for eloquently explaining scientific ideas, a natural eye towards scientific reasoning, and drive to succeed; Toni West founded this company to help scientists world-wide improve their ability to communicate their ground-breaking ideas.

With a Ph. D. in biochemistry; molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, Toni’s understanding of biological research is both broad and deep. This allows her to go beyond checking for grammatical errors, instead being as equally focused on critically evaluating the scientific content of a writing piece.

See Toni’s Resume

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